DanceAbility Detroit is supported in part by the Michigan Arts & Culture Council
"It helped me to see that Dancing isn't just limited to just music or physical movement. It's really how moving connects us with others and our surroundings as well as being conscious of how it affects our body and minds. Dancing communicates our thoughts and feelings so well without talking." ~Detroit Disability Power DanceAbility Participant
DanceAbility movement improvisation can be high-energy or slow and gentle, so come as you are. It’s for people with and without disabilities, with and without formal dance training, to collaborate and create dynamic dance together. Live captioning provided on Zoom and ASL interpretation provided in-person if requested in advance.
We offer in-person classes and workshops at several community locations and one weekly class on Zoom, as well as seasonal dance field trips to the Detroit Institute of Arts. Click on the black buttons below for more details. Programs are facilitated by Cara Graninger with skillful assistance from Gwynneth VanLaven and guests. Feel free to reach out to Cara via email (DanceAbility@DetroitDisabilityPower.org) or through our DanceAbility Facebook page.
Donations to support DanceAbility Detroit are appreciated but not at all obligated.
You’re welcome to check out a class before committing to a series.
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