Let's energize our hope, joy and power next Saturday February 15th by dancing together! This is likely our last "drop-in" workshop till May, so come check dance improvisation for everyone...however you move/sense...whether or not you're a trained dancer.....
And then you can sign up for our March/April class series if you want! See class series info/registration link at the bottom of this e-mail.
For our Sat Feb 15th workshop:
Doors open at Light Box at 11am and the workshop is from 11:30 to 1:30. IT'S FREE! (Donations appreciated but never obligated.)
Click HERE for location details, to request accommodations by Monday, and to let us know you're coming. We'll again have an emotional support person from Healing By Choice present to provide extra emotional support to anyone who might be struggling with emotions like grief, anger, anxiety, or overwhelming joy because of gaining access to DANCE.

And click here for more info and to register for the March/April class series!