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Protect people with disabilities in the corona virus response

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, it is becoming increasingly evident how dire our collective situation is. It’s also becoming clear that ableism (the systemic discrimination of disabled people) and ageism (the systemic discrimination of older people) are alive and well. In a country with massive wealth inequality and entrenched racism, sexism, xenophobia, & ableism, we are set up to pick winners and losers. With each and every crisis, we see this play out in our communities, hurting the people we love.

You’ve probably heard that states are beginning to make directives about who is prioritized to receive limited medical care. To be sure, tough decisions have to be made, but what does it mean when people who are sick or disabled, or people who are elderly, are considered more disposable? What about the structural inequality and inequities that cause increased chronic illness and disability in low-income communities of color? We do not think it’s okay to sacrifice equity for efficiency. We can do better.

Together, let’s fight the attempts to further marginalize and neglect the disabled, chronically ill, and elderly. Click here to send a letter to your congressperson today!

Tell our elected leaders to:

  • Prohibit disability discrimination in the rationing of scarce medical resources

  • Prioritize & Expand Home and Community Based Services & Supports

  • Pass the Coronavirus Relief for Seniors and People with Disabilities Act

  • Authorize an SSI Benefit Level Increase & Raise Asset Limits for Means Tested Programs

  • Expand SNAP Benefits

  • Demand Certified Deaf Interpreters (CDI) for all Government News Announcements and Press Briefing…..and more.

Click here to send a letter to your congressperson today!

While we all work together to ensure that policies are passed with our community in mind, we must also take care of ourselves and our neighbors. We’ve compiled a Coronavirus Resource Digest with regularly updated information about how to stay safe, who to call for assistance, and what you can do to help. Check it out!

Finally, if you are having any trouble accessing city or state resources because of your disability, please contact us and let us know. We are working hard to help decision makers ensure that rapid response processes designed in this quickly evolving environment are accessible to all.

We hope you are safe & well,

Teddy, Dessa & Jeffrey


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Detroit Disability Power is a project fiscally sponsored by Michigan Disability Rights Coalition.

© 2024 by Detroit Disability Power

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