Tuesday, July 30, 2019, 4 PM Rally at Cass Park, 5:30 PM March to the Fox Theater
From Detroit to Benton Harbor to Marquette, communities of color, Indigenous people, and working families on the frontlines of climate change HAVE BEEN fighting for environmental and climate justice. They have been fighting to end water shutoffs, rising utility prices and extreme pollution, big industry take-overs and disasters, emergency MIS-management, and poor air quality.
On July 30th and 31st, the 25 Democratic presidential candidates are coming to Detroit for their second nationally televised debate. We need to change the conversation of the debate. For too long corporations and the wealthy few have stepped on the backs of frontline communities, extracting resources and polluting the Earth and our bodies. We are saying enough.
We will no longer prioritize profits over people. We demand a Green New Deal. A Green New Deal that includes a regenerative economy and a just transition for workers. We demand sustainable, meaningful, safe, unionized green jobs; power to Black, Brown, and Indigenous people; clean air and water, and fair taxes to wealthy corporations.
On Tuesday, July 30th join Detroiters as they stand in solidarity with frontline communities all over Michigan, and all over the country at Cass Park from 4 pm and march to the Fox Theater where the debate is being held to demand that Detroit be the engine of a Green New Deal.
